Monday, January 26, 2015

Word Families

Meet Super POW!  He has been helping my kiddos discover and explore word families the last couple of weeks.  POW stands for Power of Words.  Let's face it, words can be powerful- in many different ways, but, for right now, in my room, knowing word chunks and how to add or change an onset has been very powerful for many! (Besides, it is super cute to be reading or making new words and hearing POW whispered every time someone finds a word family word.)

We spent several classes just exploring different word chunks. I would spend 5 minutes introducing the new chunk and modeling how to change the onset to make a new word, then it was their turn. With partners, they used magnets to make as many "real" words that they could using the new word chunk.  AH!  They learned so much- and they had so much fun!  A few kiddos even began experimenting with digraphs and blends to create words like chat and slit.  We have many word families left to explore, but I am so excited to lead them on this POWerful adventure!  

My kiddos enjoyed practicing word families by playing Super Change-O.  This game requires that students make new words by changing the onset of a familiar word.  By the end of the game, several of my students weren't even using the letter cards to physically change the word.  They were able to create the new word in their heads!  Yay!

Clipart: Clipart Queen; Mycutegraphics
Font: Rowdy In Room 300; KG Fonts

The children in my class also practiced recognizing word family words by following word mazes. They worked so hard on these activities!

Click the image above to get this activity as a freebie!

Last week my students had a "Boo Hoo" day.  Our student teacher's last day was on Thursday.  She has been so amazing for these students- they learned a ton from her!  We needed to send her off in style.  I purchased a Thirty-One bag for her new teaching job.  We each, then, used fabric paint to place our thumbprint and sign our name on the back of her new bag.  It turned out so adorable!  Take a look:  (I apologize for the crossed out names.  I do not put my students' names on my blog.  But, I think you get the idea!)

Before she left in the afternoon, each student helped to fill her bag with school supplies for her own future classroom.  They were so excited to have a part in this special event!

Thanks for checking in!

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