Friday, November 28, 2014

Kindness Elves

Kindness is a social skill that I teach in my classroom.  What does it look like, sound like, and how can we achieve it.  This year my class took part in a Wrinkled Heart lesson.  Take a look at these two sites to learn about it more thoroughly.

I did use the story of Chrysanthemum to help my children understand the concept.  This lesson did have a great impact with many of the kiddos.  However, kindness is not something that should just be discussed in one day and then forgotten.  Shortly after this lesson, I purchased 2 locker rugs to use in my classroom.  (It really does baffle me as to why anyone would ever need a rug in his/her locker.  But they definitely work well in my room!)  We designated these our Peace Rugs.  As a class demonstration two students modeled how to use these rugs.  When a child's heart is wrinkled they may ask their friend to chat on the peace rug.  By using I feel statements, they then can share what upset them.  So far, these rugs have really helped some of the kiddos take the initiative to solve their own small problems.  Our next step with these rugs will be determining the appropriate time to use them.  (I have a few kiddos who are so sneaky!  They use the rugs during class time to just chat with their friends.)

In my district, Elf on the Shelf is a tradition in some of the classrooms.  Honestly, he is a super cute idea, but I really feel that he is more of an at home deal.  When I found an idea for a Kindness Elf from The Imagination Tree blog, I knew that this was the type of elf I could incorporate into my classroom.  The one thing missing, however, was a book.  I am a sucker for introducing concepts with a book.  So, I wrote one!  

Teaching in the Tongrass created these adorable kindness elf clip art that I used in my story!  They worked perfectly.  Included with the book (there is a story that features a girl elf, and one that features a boy elf) are task cards that could be left each morning when your students get to school.  Most of them are easy tasks like smiling at others or using manners.  Some of them involve a little more work- baking cookies or drawing a picture.  Take a look at a few of the pictures and then visit my store if you would like more information!

I found my elf from the ornament section in Target.  And, naturally I went all out and purchased a fairy door from Hobby Lobby.  (But, I think I will save painting it for another year.)
