Monday, August 8, 2016

Saying "Goodbye" to chairs

Click the above picture to be taken to my Donors Choose Project!

I am trying something new this year: alternative seating.  Flexible seating seems to be the new trend in education according to my Pinterest board and pop up articles that appear on my Facebook page.  But, I am so supportive of it being a new trend!  How many adults choose to complete their work sitting in a hard chair?  As adults, we know what works best for us. Whether it be sprawling out on the floor, sitting on a couch, or standing along a kitchen counter we can choose the best way to complete our tasks.  Shouldn't children also be able to begin figuring out what helps them to learn more and be more successful?  

Alternative seating scares me quite a bit because I currently don't know how it will look exactly in my classroom.  But, I am more than excited to work with my kiddos to put this into practice.  

To help my students develop core strength and to help with wiggles, I have created a Donors Choose project specific to alternative seating that allows movement.  Check it out here. 

I moved into a new room this year!  It is much bigger and has windows!!
School is starting up on September 1st.  I have been in my classroom pretty much every day.  Does anyone else's classroom look like mine still?  MESSY!

I have been working on a new project for my classroom library.  My cat, Alvin, decided he should probably supervise.  Love him!

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