Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Colds, Construction, and End of Year Gifts

Teacher tip: Make sure to take Non-Drowsy cold medicine before a day of teaching.  Anything else, will most definitely make it very difficult to teach 19 kindergartners!

Why is it that every time the weather begins to get nicer, colds tend to become more prevalent?  My entire class, myself included, should probably be quarantined- coughing, sneezing, you name it, my class has it.  Currently, I am personally keeping Airborne in business.

Okay-now on to happier notes!

We have been super busy in my classroom.  Between our Alphabet Countdown to Summer, guest speakers, walking field trips, assessments, and more assessments there is not much time for anything else. But, we're hanging in there!

Last week our Reading series had us reading Old MacDonald had a Woodshop.  (I so enjoy books that have a well known tune!)  In addition, we read many other fiction and nonfiction books about construction and tools needed to build "stuff."  Our mini construction unit got carried over into math.  The kiddos were challenged not only with demonstrating subtraction in this way, but to design their pictures only using rectangles, circles, and triangles.  They did such a nice job, and they turned out so cute!  I will have to add more later, but my computer is being stubborn with some of the images.!

I do not know a single teacher who is not a fan of the Dollar Tree.  If it wasn't for that store, my classroom would definitely not look the way it does!  As an end of the year gift this year, I found adorable water bottles at the Dollar Tree- filled them with sidewalk chalk and Smarties, and now I am good to go!  Hopefully these water bottles will last through the summer and I will see some of them come back with their new first grader!

Thanks for checking in- I believe it is time for me to sleep this cold away!

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